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Jefferson Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

Top Rated Jefferson Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

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Jefferson Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

Georgia has one of the highest pedestrian accident fatality rates in the country. According to NHTSA, Georgia is 11th overall in the United States, with 2.22 pedestrian accident fatalities per 100,000 residents. The rate of pedestrian fatalities is increasing in Georgia, as it is everywhere. Drivers are far more reckless and seem to care less about others’ safety, especially since the start of the pandemic. If you or a loved one has suffered an injury in a pedestrian accident, you will need the financial compensation that you are entitled to when the accident was someone else’s fault.

Insurance companies know that they need to scramble because they may be legally obligated to make a very large payment in light of the serious injuries that you have suffered. They may do anything possible to escape responsibility. Protecting your legal rights is crucial, and an experienced lawyer is the only person who can provide that protection. Otherwise, the insurance company will have their way with you, and your family will get the short end of the stick.

Causes of Pedestrian Accidents

Pedestrian accidents occur most often at crosswalks and intersections when motorists fail to yield the right-of-way when they are legally required to do so. Drivers may be distracted, or they may just not take the extra time necessary to ensure your safety. Here are some common reasons why drivers strike pedestrians:

  • They are distracted because they are looking down at their cell phone.
  • They are speeding and do not see the crosswalk or stop sign.
  • They run a red light because they think that they can make it through.
  • They break the law because they are in a hurry.
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The Parisi Law firm was very professional, there was great communication, they kept me informed every step of the way and explained the process in great detail. I received a settlement and received every dollar I was entitled. Thanks Jerry and Cheryl, great job!
My experience with this lawfirm was completely positive. They handled my case very well from start to finish. I was very satisfied with the settlement that I received.
Jerry Parisi handled all details of my auto accident case. Honest and a great communicator, he thoroughly covered all details and strategies, making it a pleasure to work with him. I trusted his advice and was pleased with the settlement. I highly recommend Jerry Parisi.



How much is my pedestrian accident case worth?

We would need to review your own specific situation because the same injury can have varying impacts, depending on your own unique situation.

What if the insurance company denies your claim?

The insurance company does not have the power that they present themselves as having. It is the jury who has the final word when you file a pedestrian accident lawsuit.

What if I was partially to blame for the pedestrian accident?

You can still recover financial compensation (reduced by your percentage of fault) as long as you are less than 50 percent to blame. If you are found to be 50% or more at fault, you will not be entitled to recover any money.

How Your Lawyer Can Help You Prove Negligence

First, your lawyer would need to prove that the driver was negligent. You are trying to show that they did (or did not do something) that the average driver would have done. For example, the average driver stops at a crosswalk because it is the law. You are trying to prove negligence in the face of the insurance company’s efforts to blame you for the accident, as they often try to do. Your lawyer is here to defend you when someone else tries to point the finger at you and your loved one.

There are many functions that your lawyer will perform after your pedestrian accident, including:

  • Investigating your accident and gathering proof
  • Coming up with a total dollar amount to seek in damages
  • Compiling the claim or filing the lawsuit on your behalf
  • Negotiating compensation with the insurance company

These are functions that you would be unable to perform on your own, even if you were not dealing with serious accident injuries.

Call a Jefferson Pedestrian Accident Lawyer Today

When you need a strong and experienced attorney, the lawyers at Parisi Injury Law are in your corner. We are not afraid to take on the big insurance companies on behalf of our clients while providing care and compassionate customer service. Contact us today to schedule your free initial case review and start your legal process. You must make the first call if you want to potentially be eligible for financial compensation.

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